Contemplating your Life´s Work and Purpose thru your Gene Keys profile


As a certified Gene Keys Guide, Passion into Purpose offers Gene Keys profile sessions to illuminate your personal journey of self-empowerment.


The Gene Keys are a unique stream of wisdom and a map which gives you a more detailed compass for your life´s journey, work and purpose. 


You can learn more about the Gene Keys approach here

and also download your personal free profile here:


Studying the Gene Keys is a journey of self-illumination, with the focus on inquiry, contemplation, gentleness and patience.


Please contact me if you feel drawn to this and for more information.







In my work, I create spaces for the future that wants to unfold in us and through us.

In meiner Arbeit gebe ich der Zukunft, die in uns und durch uns entstehen möchte, Raum zur Entfaltung. (Christine Gerike)





