Co-Creating We-Spaces

We live in a time where a future wants to manifest through us that potentially includes more of us - vertically and horizontally.  At the same time, we witness violent conflict and wars arising on the planet over the past years. Both our higher guidance and the collective intelligence of group fields hold keys to address the many challenges we are facing in this present poly-crisis, as humanity, and as earth from a new vantage point.  Allowing our interconnectedness to inform us, update us in new and deeply related way is what i offer as a facilitator. 


Maps of our evolving and emerging consciousness, i.e. self-awareness, as humans such as Don Beck´s Spiral Dynamic integral, the Four Quadrants by Ken Wilber or Barbara Marx Hubbard´s Wheel of Co-creation, the Gene Keys by Richard Rudd, and others can provide orientation and guidance.


In my work, I have been passionate about co-designing and co-creating intentional We-space practices.  I initiated and co-founded the Social Architects Community of Practicing in 2014,  and the Global Social Witnessing (Worldwitnessing) Practice Community in 2017 inspired by the work of the NGO The Pocket Project.


The relational art and practice of Transparent Communication (developed by Thomas Hübl)  allows us to open deeply and widely, to relate to what is, and be present with our inner experiences and to the world.  Transparent Communication has been developed and refined by Thomas Hübl, a renowned teacher, author, facilitator, and his students over the last 15+ years. It offers a set of practices and techniques that deepen embodiment, body awareness, transpersonal perception and a higher awareness of the whole relational field.


I bring my work experience as manager, cultural specialist, coach, facilitator, social architect, mother of two daughters, as well as my passion and witnessing presence to this work.  




In my work, I create spaces for the future that wants to unfold in us and through us.

In meiner Arbeit gebe ich der Zukunft, die in uns und durch uns entstehen möchte, Raum zur Entfaltung. (Christine Gerike)





