Let´s connect on the inner Play-Ground of Being!
Turning within is a powerful pathway to outer change.
“"A true practitioner becomes more and more acquainted with the world that we see, but also with the world we don´t see. That is where love, true love expands the territory of humanity." (Thomas Hübl)
Being is about who we ARE, not what we do. The Ground of Being is an alive, fertile and subtle soil that has the capacity to heal, to regenerate, and to recreate us from inside out.
The expansion of self-awareness is the play of consciousness itself. Consciousness never grows up, it wants to explore, play, and experiment thru us.
To a child, play is absolutely serious, and children are innocent, and so is nature. The way of play connects us to Being life, to nature, and with it comes the gift to innovate.
Our outer world is a mirror of our inner world, our senses, emotions, beliefs, inspirations - both individually and collectively.
We are so much in the doing-mode and we sacrifice the aspect of Being which is really a resource, a remedy.
While exploring aspects of inner being and conditioning in connection with your life´s questions, you will come across shadows and resistances. For the process of revealing the gifts, wisdom and resources in them for you, I offer you an explorative space of presence, relational attunement, spaciousness, love, support and creative wisdom.
What you bring is the intention to explore, slow down, and the availability to sense and feel.
Let´s be Playful together!